our services

Take a quick peek into the services we offer, from personal domestic stops to large scale business and logistics operations

Same day delivery

Wherever you may be in the U.K our same day delivery service offers fast, secure and reliable delivery and collection services through our network infrastructure of fast paced and safely executed courier drivers. You will also receive delivery updates with real time tracking. Planned or last minute we have you covered.

motorway, drive, highway
delivery man, flower, florist

Overnight Journeys

Our drivers will work day and night to ensure packages or pallets are delivered within the desired times.

Location Guiding

Drivers stick to adhered guidelines to ensure they are on the designated route and in the correct timed locations

Sight Seeing

A luxury for drivers as they stay focused through sight seeing on a daily basis which helps keep a balanced mind

Multi-drop services

As the term suggests multi-drop simply means that our drivers are delivering to many locations on thier set out routes covering multiple post codes in thier given or chosen areas. Our drivers complete over 100 stops on a daily basis and we also work closely with many top multi drop companies such as yodel, fed ex and dpd often taking on some of thier contractual areas.

School/Business drops

All school parcels are required to be delivered before 2.30pm and all business parcels are required to be delivered before 5pm. We make this a priority in our day to day operations

Neat van stacking

Nobody wants to receive a damaged parcel and we understand that more than the rest thats why we take great pride in the way our vans are stacked to prevent damage and complaints.

Tuition Pickup

Used for drivers to offer ease and stability when collecting items from customers including customer returns that go back to the company customers purchased from.


Haulage is the business of transporting goods by road or rail between suppliers and large consumer outlets, factories, warehouses and depots. This includes a wide variety of consumer and business supplies including vegetables, coal, clothes, ore and literally any other supplies in bulk format.

truck, lorry, sunset
container, container port, port

Airport Escorting

Goods being collected or delivered to airports or shipping ports will have the necessary paperwork in place and can be overseen by security or customs at any time.

Location Guiding

Drivers stick to adhered guidelines to ensure they are on the designated route and in the correct timed locations

Waiting for Arrival

Businesses waiting for arrival of thier stock will be given regular updates and time frames of when to expect thier cargo.


Logistics refers to the overall process of managing how resources are acquired, stored and transported to their final destination involving identifying prospective distributors and suppliers and determining their effectiveness and accessibility

container, port, loading
forklift, termalift, hand pallet truck


We offer packaging and labelling services as well as picking and warehousing to ensure a smooth and professional process for items before being shipped

Overnight Travel

Our drivers will work day and night to ensure packages or pallets are delivered within the desired times.


Items will be stored in safe and secure locations. If you have special instructions such as items need to be frozen or kept to a certain temperature or any other concern we are happy to cater for your needs

Just three steps.


Communicate through our web form, email or phone us


Arrange for us to pick up your goods


Schedule, pay and sit back. We will deliver the rest

It feels good when you know that there is a company that can take care of my needs allowing me to concentrate on my business and family life allowing me to even take a trip anywhere, anytime, hassle free and with ease of mind that my business is continuously ticking over without complaints from customers who want to know when thier made to measure blinds will arrive. Postcode courier makes my daily life very convenient and economical.

John Barry
Manager. Justslats.co.uk

Want to drive for us?

As our business grows we are continually looking for more drivers to help us. With or without experience full training is provided.